Dr Stewart Mottram

Reader in English
+44 (0)1482 465597

School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts, Cultures, and Education, University of Hull

Twitter: @StewartJMottram

Specialities: Literature and environment, eco-criticism, environmental humanities, seventeenth-century studies, digital heritage.

STEWART MOTTRAM is Reader in English and a specialist in interdisciplinary approaches to seventeenth-century literature in its religious, social and environmental contexts. He was Principal Investigator for the AHRC/ XR Stories-funded Rising tide of Humber project which combined archival research with numerical flood modelling to recreate in virtual reality an historical flood of Hull from the year 1646-47 (2019-20). He has held fellowships from the Leverhulme Trust (2008-10) and AHRC (2014-15), and is Co-Investigator on the AHRC-funded Risky Cities project (2020-23). Stewart is also Deputy Director of the University of Hull’s Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships Centre for Water Cultures.

Stewart is author of over 25 publications, including two research monographs, and he is also a published poet. His latest book, Ruin and Reformation in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Marvell, is published by Oxford University Press (2019).

Stewart is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), a Fellow of the RSA (FRSA), and a member of the AHRC’s Peer Review College.


Discover how water has shaped the literature, history, and culture of regions that have historically lived with flood risk and remain at risk of flooding today.

Andrew Marvell and Hull

Detail from Wenceslaus Hollar, Map of Hull (c. 1640). Hull History Centre, U DDMM/33/8.  Dr Stewart Mottram, Reader in English at the University of Hull, explores poet Andrew Marvell’s early…