Dr Chris Skinner

Visiting Research Fellow

Energy and Environment Institute, University of Hull

Scopus Author ID: 56506501200

CHRIS SKINNER is a visiting researcher at the Energy and Environment Institute having formerly held the post of Research Fellow (2017-2021). He specialises in the numerical modelling of flooding using hydrometeorological, hydrological, hydraulic, and geomorphic tools. Chris has 15 peer-reviewed articles and his modelling work on the Humber Estuary was used to support the Environment Agency led Humber 2100+ Strategy to manage flooding.

Chris is a passionate environmental storyteller, founding the Earth Arcade and SeriousGeoGames projects and producing games, activities, and exhibits. His 360 immersive storytelling videos have been viewed >3 million times on YouTube. He is interested in the areas where numerical modelling and videogames meet, and convenes the Games for Geoscience session at the European Geoscience Unions annual meeting.

Chris is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), a Trustee for the British Hydrological Society, and part of the Leadership cohort on NERC’s Engage Academy.


Discover how water has shaped the literature, history, and culture of regions that have historically lived with flood risk and remain at risk of flooding today.

Andrew Marvell and Hull

Detail from Wenceslaus Hollar, Map of Hull (c. 1640). Hull History Centre, U DDMM/33/8.  Dr Stewart Mottram, Reader in English at the University of Hull, explores poet Andrew Marvell’s early…